
Team Cook’s Salary: This is how many Apple CEOs made in 2021

Team Cook's Salary: This is how many Apple CEOs made in 2021

Tim Cook, Chief Executive Officer (CEO) The world’s largest technology company, Apple, is one of the highest paid CEOs in the world, revealing disclosures covering the Fiscal Year Apple, which began in September 2020 and ran until 2021 September 2021.

The Cook team received $ 98.73 million in compensation in Fiscal 2021 Apple, indicating the SEC filing published on January 6.

Here’s how Cook’s payment is broken:

• $ 3 million salary

• $ 12 million bonus to hit the financial and environmental sustainability objectives of the Apple

• $ 1.39 million in other compensation, including $ 712,488 in private air travel, $ 630,630 in security, contributed A $ 17,400 to the plan 401 (K), $ 2,964 in life insurance premiums, and $ 23,077 in cash-out.

• $ 82.35 million in stock awards

“It was an extraordinary decade for Apple and in 2021 Mr. Cook was given an equity award for the first time since he was promoted to CEO in August 2011,” Apple said in archiving.

According to a report at CNBC, Apple said in its proxy that he determined Cook’s stock award by considering the size, performance, and role and performance of Cook Apple as CEO.

Apple last week became the first public company traded on the planet to cross the market capitalization sign of $ 3 trillion.

In October, Apple announced a revenue record for the fourth quarter of 2021. The company said that September quarter revenues reached $ 83.4 billion – up 29 percent during the same period last year. Income companies can be higher, if they have not lacked the supply chain.

However, regardless of the big results, cook the highest CEO CEO in the US in accordance with the Bloomberg report in August 2021.

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