Saturday, September 21, 2024


Maharashtra Cancels Johnson’s Baby Powder License, Firm Approaches Court

Maharashtra Cancels Johnson's Baby Powder License, Firm Approaches Court

Administration of Food and Medicines -Maharashtra or FDA drugs have canceled the license to make baby powder from Johnson & Johnson PVT Ltd. “for public health purposes in general.”
In the release issued on Friday, the state government agent said the company’s products, baby powder Johnson, could affect the skin of newborns.

The powder sample for the baby does not match the standard pH value during the laboratory test, said the regulator in his statement, reports the press trust of India.

The release said the action was taken after the conclusive report on the central drug laboratory based in the Kolkata that concluded “The sample did not match IS 5339: 2004 in connection with the pH test.”

According to the release, the FDA has taken a sample of Baby Johnson powder from Pune and Nashik for the purpose of quality examination, reporting Press Trust of India.

Government analysts have declared samples as “not standard quality” as they did not obey with the specifications of 5339: 2004 for skin powder for babies in test pH, he said.

After that, the FDA issued a notification of the cause for Johnson and Johnson under the 1940 cosmetic drug and regulations, in addition to issuing instructions to the company to remember the shares of the product from the market, said the release.

The company “did not receive a report” Government analyst and challenged it in court for sending it to the medical laboratory, he added.Detailed statement from Johnson & Johnson PVT Ltd is awaited.

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