
Hiked Jet Fuel Prices for All High Time, Gasoline, Diesel Prices Don’t Call Today

Hiked Jet Fuel Prices for All High Time, Gasoline, Diesel Prices Don't Call Today

New Delhi: Today’s jet hiking fuel price with 2 percent – the seventh increase in this year – to high throughout the time, reflecting a surge in global energy prices.
Flight turbine (ATF) fuel was approached with ₹ 2,258.54 per kiloliter, or 2 percent, up to ₹ 1,12,924.83 per kl in the national capital, according to price notices by state-owned fuel retailers.

However, there are, there are no changes in the price of gasoline and diesel on Friday. Before the second pause in 11 days, the automatic fuel rate rises up to ₹ 640 per liter.

The increase in ATF prices appeared behind the steepest increase at 18.3 percent (Rs 17,135.63 per KL) was influenced on March 16.

Jet fuel prices are revised on the 1st and 16th of each month based on the price of international average benchmark fuel in the previous two weeks.

Fuel jets, which form for almost 40 percent of the cost of running from the airline, this year has surged to new highs.

ATF prices have increased every two weeks since the beginning of 2022. In seven increases starting January 1, ATF prices have increased by ₹ 38,902.92 KL or nearly 50 percent.

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