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Elon Musk fires Twitter engineer in public for replying to him with facts

Elon Musk fires Twitter engineer in public for replying to him with facts

By Ankita Chakravarti Twitter’s new chief, Elon Musk, doesn’t like being questioned by his workers, at least not on social media. Out of all the people Musk lately fired, one of the stager masterminds was fired because he questioned Musk on Twitter. Musk blazoned that Eric Frohnhoefer, the mastermind who had argued with him on Twitter, had been fired. Interestingly, Frohnhoefer wasn’t impacted during the layoffs which claimed jobs of further than 3000 workers across the globe. He was dismissed because he argued with Musk on Twitter.

The wrangle between Musk and Frohnhoefer began with a tweet on Twitter being slow. Musk twittered on Sunday saying that he “ apologize for Twitter being super slow in numerous countries. ” Soon enough, Musk’s tweet was reshared with a comment by Frohnhoefer, who said, “ I’ve spent6 yrs working on Twitter for Android and can say this is wrong. ” Musk and Frohnhoefer soon had a heated exchange on Twitter which led to Frohnhoefer’s redundancy

from his part.The two argued lifelessly over the specialized issues faced by Twitter. also at one point, Musk, who was infuriated by Frohnhoefer’s curt replies, asked him about Twitter’s Sunday performance. “ Twitter is super slow on Android. What have you done to fix that?, ” he said. The discussion continued for three hours and got murkier with each passing second.

The Twitter thread was also joined by other people, who sided with Musk and blamed Frohnhoefer for arguing with Musk on a public platform. To which, he replied saying that Musk should ask questions intimately. “ perhaps using Slack or dispatch, ” he said.

After a series of tweets, Musk blazoned that he’d fired Frohnhoefer. He replied to Musk’s tweet with a cheering emoji.Frohnhoefer told Forbes that he didn’t admit any formal dispatches regarding his redundancyfrom the company. “ My laptop just shut off and now I ca n’t get back into it, ” he said.

The 41- time-old mastermind has been a part of Twitter for over 8 times. It was hard for him to accept that his association with the company came to an end so suddenly.trusts anyone within the company presently, ” he said. “ How can you serve? workers do n’t trust the new operation. operation does not trust the workers. How do you suppose you ’re supposed to get anything done? That’s why there’s product freezes – you ca n’t combine law, you can not turn effects on without authorization from VPs, ” he told the publication.

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